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MY SEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM and what it means to me

Motswedi Mankwe

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

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I never paid much attention to my mensuration cycle. It was a process I knew was going to take place for 51 years of my life, accompanied by PMS and messy visits to the bathroom. But as I got older, at 23 years old, this process meant so much to me. I looked at it from a different perspective. Every month, the following hormones; Progesterone, Estrogen, Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing hormone prepare my body for ovulation and fertilization. When PMS enters the chat, I get breakouts (which I do not mind because, for some weird reason, I love popping pimples). Then, my boobs enlarge. They get heavier and sensitive. Sometimes my nipples get itchy. My favorite symptom is the change in my vaginal secretions. It can be white or yellow, stretchy, or slippery. Some women may not even get PMS symptoms.

Also, my lady parts represent a collective pain body for women. This is an idea I got from Eckart Tolle’s The Power of Now. In the book, Eckart explains PMS symptoms and the process of mensuration. He explains what it means from a spiritual point of view. He further explains how to overcome emotional and physical PMS symptoms through consciousness. For me, this represents oneness with other women. We get to go through the same ordeal as millions of women did before us and many more to come. We get to share the experience and for me, it is an ordeal that is strong enough to bring people together. How? By sharing self-care tips with other women who are not coping with mensural cramps. Men can also take part in this meaningful ritual by supporting their partners. They usually buy mensural packages consisting of chocolates, preferred alcoholic beverages, and anything else ones’ lady craves at the time. Also, women get away with anything during this time and it’s all because of mood swings. Eckart’s spiritual teachings about women’s collective pain body come to play here. One moment you are angry and shouting at everyone, the next you are horny and want to have mind-blowing sex. In my experience, some men are usually understanding during this time.

Furthermore, my vagina, clitoris, and labium allow me to feel and be sensual, sentimental, and pleasure. I like other women, I got these body parts, and because of that, I want to know why. Was it to allow me to find out what sexual acts give me pleasure by pleasuring myself? Was it to allow me to explore my sexuality and find out if I like having but plugs inserted during intercourse? Was it to allow me to explore sensual feelings? To understand carnal pleasures and embrace them with more passion? Was it to allow me to give birth to children who would grow up and be leaders in their chosen fields of interest? I do not know, but that’s what makes this whole journey interesting. Figuring out the unknown, embracing the journey with no judgment at all. Living in the moment.

In conclusion, my mensuration cycle, sharing a collective pain body, and my ability to be more sensual and in touch with my body makes me who I am and I embrace it. I love and appreciate my body and the way it functions. I have learnt to respect its processes and to accept the features I have.

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